Privacy Policy

Who we are

Privacy Policy: Our website is:

The personal data we use and the causes for it


Every comment is visible to the public. Please abstain from using inappropriate language. We reserve the right to block any inappropriate comment and to block any user that uses said language.


All copyright from images and videos present in this website are reserved by PSP del Perú. It is forbidden to copy or use the images and videos in the website without due permit.


We use cookies in order to track web traffic and preferences from all the visitors of this website. Once you visit this website, you accept that we use cookies for the usage that was previously described.

Content from other websites

We are not responsible for anything that happens to you when you go to other websites through the content embedded in our website.


In development.

Who do we share our data with

In development.

The time in which we hold your data

All data is stored indefinitely.

The rights we have over your data

In development.

Where do we send your data

In development.

Your contact information

Your information will only be used for research purposes.

Additional information

Privacy Policy: In development.

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